Tisya Singh

Brand Ambassador

An ambassador is someone who embodies what the brand inherently stands for. More than us talking about ourselves, our brand ambassador is someone who can showcase who we are, what we represent and what we want to achieve. Based on this we are proud to present our brand ambassador – Tisya Singh.

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Our Talented YoungXperts who went on to surpass traditional norms.

Mission is to search for children who learn to achieve much more and enhance their learning capabilities.


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Featured Young Xperts

Shubham Jaglan - India's Child Prodigy in Golf

Shubham was just a 5-year-old kid when he was introduced to Golf. He was from a family of wrestlers and everyone assumed that he would also follow the same path but his grandfather took him to a golf academy against the family’s wishes. Today, he has an amazing support of his family and his core team. At such a young age he already has many achievements under his name. He has won more than 100 events. Shubham has completed as No. 1 on the Indian junior merit list and that too a number of times. He has also won four world junior events and two ‘European Championships’ for his age group.

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Featured Article

How to find a reliable mentor for your child?

With the increasing pace of life, somewhere we miss out on spending enough time with the children and teach them all the important lessons of life.

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When was the last time your kid participated in a jaw-dropping event of his interest?

We bring together the best of activities, organizers, trainers, and facilities to provide your child with the right guidance and exposure that is inaccessible otherwise. Our events also provide the right platform for kids to begin their learning curve by providing the perfect balance of PR and exposure.



Stay updated on the latest workshops being organized in your area

Stay updated on the latest workshops being organized in your area. At KidsChaupal, we create and curate interactive workshops that can build your child’s interest and foster his creative abilities. It also serves as an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded folks and spend quality time with your child.

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Wouldn’t your children love a new way of learning where they can truly interact and actively participate?

We, at KidsChaupal, provide you with an instructing and learning condition where members can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an internet setting. It’s an efficient way to reduce the distance barrier in education. These classes will give you the advantage of teaching and learning 24X7 from anywhere.

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Love teaching? Become a partner with KidsChaupal

Our platform just lets you do that! Our goal is to provide quality education & learning through our valued partners.

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