
The Future of Art

By Prisha Gupta on December 09, 2021

4 min read

“We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” -         Dead Poets Society (1989)

We totally agree with this statement made by the English teacher, John Keating. Art is a way of living and is life itself. It is known to enhance motor skills and problem-solving abilities in young minds. It engages all the core senses including smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. In the post-covid world, where everybody is coping up with emotional and mental stress, art becomes a therapeutic gateway for all the inner concerns. It gives an outlet to creativity and helps in the expression of ideas effortlessly.

Isn’t it ironical that all parents want their kids to stand out yet are compelled to categorise them into the tiny boxes of three primary disciplines? It is impossible to imagine a breakthrough in Science and Technology without the use of the innovations and creativity one acquires through art. Artificial intelligence is the future but human intelligence cannot be neglected as it is at the core of human existence. Therefore, art will have to co-exist with artificial intelligence in the future.

It is through art that one imbibes the socio-cultural values that help in connecting with the experiences of the past, serving the human race with greater learnings in the present, and imagining the unlimited realities of the future. Art integrates the past, present, and future in one thread.

According to the Times Higher Education, the subjects that top the list of the best universities of the world include performing arts, history, language, literature, philosophy art, and architecture. The future will bring with itself the challenges that were never seen or experienced by humans before and in order to deal with these challenges new innovations and thinking patterns will be required. Art broadens the human horizons and allows free thinking, experimentations, and analysis of these challenges.

Future requires interdisciplinary perspectives that pave way for the science and technological advancements in order to assist human life. Ranging from ethics in research, story-telling in narratives, to understanding the nuances of communication in various societies, art is inescapable. The art lies at the core of human existence and for as long as humans live the future of art is promising. The future job market shall demand a merging of a variety of career-driven courses clubbing together the best from every field.

Not everything necessarily has an immediate and monetary profit. Some things are crucial for the holistic development of the mind and soul of children. In times like these, where kids are overexposed to gadgets and lack exposure to human interactions, it is necessary to incorporate some activities in their routine that enable them to break free from the monotonous schedules and get their creative faculties at work. We have curated the courses in order to enhance the functioning of the mind by helping it relax and rejuvenate allowing kids to discover their strengths and weaknesses.

Have you grabbed the opportunity of enrolling your kids in our art courses designed to cater to the artistic needs of kids? What are you waiting for? Visit our website today and grab the course that best suits your child.

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