How can India close its massive skill gap?


By Purnima Verma on October 16, 2019

4 min read

India faces a major issue of unemployment even though there are hundreds of vacancies. There is a major section of youth who has a specific degree but not the skill to justify that degree. The problem actually is the skill gap. Students in the school are being taught subjects that today’s jobs do not need anymore. The new generation needs skills that we never thought would be necessary. The skill gap is a callous issue our youth is facing now. This, in turn, is leading our country to high unemployment.

So, now the question arises, what are we doing wrong that our next generation will not be skillful enough for even a job?

In the present scenario, 65-75% of Indian youth entering the workforce are unemployable.

In a recent report by Accenture, ‘Fuelling India’s Skill Revolution’, “India could have secured a $1.97 trillion worth of GDP growth over the next decade by investing in intelligent technologies. But now, we might have to forgo it if we don't take adequate steps to tackle the skill gap issue.”

Jobs that existed in the past are dying out today or maybe are already dead. Automation and robots are set to take over routine jobs.

Schools and colleges need to focus on innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills in students.

Forcing them to practice handwriting and learn multiplication tables won’t help get them to get jobs in the future.

Let’s forget about the future for a minute and talk about the present scenario where the technology is changing at such a rapid pace that job roles are changing every couple of years. Sometimes, even earlier than that. Change is the only constant thing in life and as humans, we always strive for that.

The skill gap our country is facing now is a result of this rapid change – there is no consistency between the skill set required by the employer and the skill set the employee has.

For example, being a certified electrician some ten years ago meant mastering the skills for being an electrician. Today, because of the vast economy, no one can develop the skill of being an electrician, without owning a phone and being available for calls or being registered on app to gain customers.

Schools can help to build on this learning mindset of students. They can channel it correctly and help students to understand how they can skill themselves better using the technology available to us.

Employers are looking for candidates who have a combination of skills be it technical or hard skills, soft skills, or life skills which can be achieved by giving them schooling and skilling both at the same time.

The basics principles of life are taught by schooling whereas developing skills will help the kids form and enhance networking, time management, and communication skills.

The regular, mainstream education focuses more on academia. Skill training focuses on identifying, training and nurturing talent in all desired field. It will help the students to be confident and job-ready.

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